Forecasting (Time Series)
Takes a series of historical data (including data with seasonal fluctuations) and allows application of influencing variables (exogeneous) to predict what a target value will be in the future given future influencing variables. Great for performance monitoring, financial analysis or usage trends.
Customer Segmentation (By Geography)
Identify customers with similar characteristics, but also include geographic element to clustering. Given a list of customers and attributes, find customers who are in a similar geographic area who display similar characteristics.
Geographic Site Identification
Using many GPS coordinates, determine what percent of pings are near specific interest points. Provide points of interest and list of GPS coordinates to determine 'was it there'.
Customer Matching
Takes two data sets, 1 of unknown business or contacts and 1 of known business entities and uses information given such as business names contacts, phone numbers and addresses (or a subset of those) and performs fuzzy matching to find any potential matches.